Three Questions for Cathy Reese

[Editor’s Note: From time to time we will feature a short Q&A with an IWLCA member coach. The format will be one question about lacrosse, one question about life, and one fun question.]

Q&A with Cathy Reese, Head Coach, University of Maryland @MarylandWLax

1 – What is your favorite play to run when you “need” a goal and why?

  Photo courtesy of Maryland Athletics Media Relations.

I think this answer will change depending on the situation and the game. I think we always “NEED” goals – so obviously we are always trying to score on each possession. If the game is tight, and it’s the last possession of the game – we are going to try to execute what has worked from earlier in the game. If we have found success off feeds, back door cuts or dodges from certain spots – than that’s what we will go to. I truly believe in having seven people on the offensive end that can score – and want everyone to feel confident in themselves to take the opportunity if it presents itself.

2 – What do you think is the best thing a young person can do to develop her leadership skills?

I think the biggest thing for leadership development is to be willing to do whatever you can to help the team. When you put the needs of the team before your own – you set the standard for what your teammates should be doing as well. Helping move goals, carry balls, helping the trainer – whatever is necessary for your team to be successful. But putting others before yourself is the first step. The second is communication. Listening to your coaches, listening to your teammates – keeping the lines of communication open between the staff and your teammates. Some of the best leaders I have coached did these two things well. They always put the team first and always looked out for their teammates. They also set the example. Do the right thing. Work hard. Don’t complain or whine. Make the most out of every opportunity you can and live in the moment. All great skills for leaders!

3 – What are you going to do when you retire?

Well – this is a loaded question as there are so many things I still want to do. I’ve always wanted to be a performer. So, singing, dancing – maybe live theater? I love the dinner theater near me – maybe I would audition and see if I could find a fit there. Otherwise, I will relocate to Orlando, Florida and be a greeter at Disney World. I want to stand at the entrance when all of the families and kids come in and wave and smile and hand out stickers! I will definitely leave before the afternoon shift starts and the meltdowns begin (I have four kids of my own, so I know how this happens). OR – maybe Disney will need me to ride a float and sing and dance during the parades. That’s an option too!

Last option and probably the most realistic one, is to live somewhere near my own children and help them out as much as I can. I guess then my performing will be limited to the holiday family parties and I will just sing and dance for my grandchildren and kids until they think I’m not cool anymore.

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